Management jobs can be part-time
Here are Ten2Two, we’re firm believers that senior management jobs can be part-time. We have direct experience placing candidates in part-time professional roles across all sorts of industries and sectors.
The Power Part-time List shows us that this is not only possible, but inspiring to businesses seeking to recruit high level executive talent at a senior level.
In case you’re not familiar with it, the Power Part-time List includes experienced professionals who are successfully working at a high level but who also work part-time. It has become a regular item in our calendar year whereby the Ten2Two team gives out a little cheer to see flexible working dominate newspaper headlines.
And yet, here we are again, still talking about how management roles can be part-time. Just recently, Ten2Two has placed a part-time Head of Finance, a part-time Senior Client Manager and a part-time Digital Marketing Manager to name a few of the types of management level roles we get.
Yet, while the conversation has certainly opened around flexible working in recent years, more still needs to be done, with greater levels of businesses hiring on a part-time basis at management level.
Family-friendly companies on the rise
The good news is, a recent report from the Women and Work All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) advocates employers advertising all jobs on a flexible, part-time or job-share basis. It emphasised this should apply even to the most senior roles to make career progression more accessible to women with families.
As part of this report, employers are asked to look at skills over experience when hiring, opening up the talent pool to returners who have had a break after starting a family.
Part-time now paying more
At Ten2Two we see earnings of professionals in highly paid part-time positions have increased in recent years, which leads us to believe that more and more people are taking up job shares and reduced hours as their careers progress. For example, the Green Party is led by job share duo Jonathan Bartley and Sian Berry – a great example for job share contenders everywhere.
Deborah O’Sullivan, Managing Director at Ten2Two, says, “Senior management roles can be done part-time, yet there’s a widely held view that the more senior you become, the more hours you have to work. It’s simply not true. As we often hear, the more experienced you become, the more skilled you become at delegating and organising your time and resources and using your own skills in the best way possible, so there’s no reason management positions can’t be part-time.”
Furthermore, here at Ten2Two we totally agree that employers who don’t look to hire flexibly are missing out on an untapped talent pool:
“The gap between the proportion of people who want to work flexibly (87%) and the availability of flexible jobs at the point of hire (15%) causes a talent bottleneck. Employers who don’t hire flexibly are cutting themselves off from a proportion of the candidate market,” says Emma Stewart, CEO at Timewise.
Why management jobs for part-time workers?
- Employers can access highly skilled talent for less than a full-time wage.
Employees will happily off set less pay for less for fewer childcare costs.
- Employers can boost staff wellbeing and reduce absenteeism.
Employees who are happier are more productive and work ‘harder’.
- Employers can attract quality staff and retain these people for longer.
Employees often cannot work without flexibility to juggle work and home commitments.
- Employers keep female talent in the company, enhancing diversity in the workplace.
Employees can progress in their careers with greater energy and commitment.
If you’d like to find a part-time job at a senior or executive level, register with Ten2Two today. We’re a flexible and part-time recruitment agency in the south and south west, regularly placing candidates in rewarding and inspiring part-time positions in dynamic companies.
Alternatively, if you’re a business seeking to attract experienced professional talent, please get in touch. We have access to a wide talent pool of local, professional candidates who often aren’t registered anywhere else at all. We look forward to hearing from you.