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London flexible working opportunities

We’ve been following Mayor Sadiq Khan’s Twitter feed with intent in recent months. He frequently talks about London being open for business. We couldn’t agree more.

From the heatwave to deep and embroiled Brexit negotiations through to the fleeting Trump visit, London has been a shining example of leadership and talent, albeit in challenging circumstances.

Top professional talent is hard to come by

When it comes to recruitment, 81 percent of business leaders are reporting that it is more challenging now than five years ago to find suitable candidates. Even in London and the southeast where professionals have the pick of the top global companies to work for, we’re hearing about the “intensifying war for talent”.

Flexible working: an easy win

If more businesses advertised their job vacancies as offering flexibility, it’s our opinion that they’d soon attract a whole raft of excellent job seekers through their doors. It would make sense given that employee retention is high on many companies’ lists just now. And in London flexible working is the ultimate employee benefit, particularly for those commuting long distances.

Watch this space as companies begin to revisit their flexible working policies in an attempt to bring in new talent and keep the staff they already have. We’re already hearing about a rise in job shares across senior roles which is encouraging, as well as increasing interest in returnships, locally and in the city.

London flexible working makes sense

In the meantime, if you’re a London business seeking cover for the summer period or need to find your next star hire – perhaps it’s for a new role or a ‘like-to-have’ position such as an in-house lawyer, please do get in touch. We’d love to hear from you – after all, in London flexible working spells positivity and employee engagement.

Show you’re well and truly open for business – embrace the benefits of flexible working today.


2 min read
