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When you need to employ ‘grown ups’ to get results

A key frustration for managers and employers is often their difficulty in attracting staff who are, in their own words, ‘grown ups’ when it comes to taking their responsibilities seriously. It’s our view that employers who want to attract staff they can trust should consider flexible recruitment.   

Flexible recruitment leads to employee retention

Employers often ask us to help them find replacement staff as their previous employee has ‘jumped ship’ to a competitor or a job in a city location. Perhaps they are seeking a promotion or have decided to chase down a more competitive salary. Whatever the reason, the employer is usually left with a gap to fill and little time to do it.

As our ‘Flexible & Proud Report’ shows, employers want to employ serious people who want to get serious results for their organisation. By recruiting flexibly, they have been able to find ‘grown ups’ who want to work and achieve results, leading to greater employee retention and an altogether better way of working.

Empowering employees to perform at a high level

NGS is a new generation of international emergency assistance company. They work across all sorts of environments and challenging situations, running cases within ebola clinics for the UN or for oil rigs in war zones for example. It doesn’t sound like it’s for the faint hearted, but the company absolutely relies on employing staff who can work when they’re needed to.

Flexible recruitment has allowed them to empower employees, treating them like ‘grown ups’ and thereby reducing pressure on home life to retain staff. Flexible hours have also let them increase diversity in the workplace, expanding their recruitment ‘range,’ geographically speaking which is extremely useful in their line of work.

Part-time working is the modern way of working

Everyone at Hosking Associates is part-time. This means they are not always at work but when they are, they are completely engaged. Employees can work remotely and manage their own holiday, giving each other space so that days off really are days off.

They say, “Part-time working can take more juggling than it would with full-time staff, but it means we have to talk to each other more to get it right which is a plus. We need to look at part-time work differently. It’s not part of a job and everyone should feel they can achieve their aspirations and ambitions. Being a Director is multi-faceted and we see no reason why senior roles cannot be part-time too.” Wise words indeed.

You can find out more about these and other innovative companies who are fully embracing the benefits of flexible working now. Read the full ‘Flexible & Proud Report’ here.

Talk to our flexible and part-time recruitment agency today to find ‘grown up’ members of staff: professional staff you can work well with to drive your business forwards.


2 min read
