1 min read
January 23, 2025
Often businesses know that more resources are needed but get stuck when it comes to designing the role (or redesigning an existing role). Then there’s the challenge of creating a job description that’s appealing and fit for purpose.
In this short webinar, We give practical advice and tips on:
• Key elements to consider when designing a new role
• Evaluating an existing role prior to recruitment
• Creating a strong job description to attract the right candidates
• The difference between a Job Description and a Job Advert
Suitable for anyone currently planning their resources or recruiting for a role.
Watch our webinar ‘How to Design a Role and Perfect a Job Description’, with Ten2Two’s Jane O'Gorman and Tracey Adams linked below.
Often businesses know that more resources are needed but get stuck when it comes to designing the...
It’s clear that businesses often know that they need more resources but often get caught out by...
3 mins